Version-3 (Sep-Oct 2018)
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Abstract: One of the services that are increasingly needed by society today is insurance services. The need for insurance services is increasingly, both by individuals and businesses in Indonesia. Insurance promises protection to the insured against the risks faced by individuals and the risks faced by the company. In such responsibilities, there are three factors that are considered important to maintain the survival of insurance companies, namely price, service quality, and customer satisfaction. These three factors are also used as variables in this study with the aim of finding the influence of price and service quality on customer satisfaction and its impact on customer.......
Keywords: Price, Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction, Customer Loyalty
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Abstract: This study aims to determine the effect of sunset policy and tax amnesty on increasing the willingness to pay taxes for individual taxpayers in KPP Pratama Semarang Tengah Two in 2016. The main data used is the primary data by filling questionnaires. Respondents in this study are the taxpayers registered in the program sunset policy and tax amnesty. The number of samples is 92 taxpayers which carry out with a convinience random sampling. The data analysis was conducted by multiple linear regression.The results showed that the variable sunset policy has a positive and significant influence on the willingness to pay taxes by individual taxpayers. Similarly, the variable tax amnesty also has a positive and significant influence on the willingness to pay taxes by individual taxpayers..
Keywards: sunset policy, tax amnesty, willingness to pay taxes
[1]. ALM, James. (1998) Tax Policy Analysis: the Introduction of a Russian Tax Amnesty,International Studies Program Working
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Abstract: The importance of bilateral relations to any country is to offer the home country the chance to access resources that are not locally available.Bilateral relations between China and Kenya have been ever evolving since Kenya's independence to date.The objective of the study was to assess the effect of Chinese loans, FDI and Aid on Kenya's economic growthbased on the years 2000 to 2015.Bilateral relations were found to have effect on economic growth of Kenya. Most of the effect is gained through AID and FDI while Loans do not have much effect. The study recommends that Kenya needs to develop a comprehensive policy to govern its aid relations with China in order to safe guard from negative political influence positions in the futurewhile reducingloans received from China.
[1]. Borensztein, E., J. Gregorio, & J. Lee (1998). How does foreign direct investment affect growth? Journal of International
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[3]. Central Bank of Kenya, (2000-2009), Monthly Economic Review, Various Issues
[4]. Chami, Ralph; Connel Fullenkamp; and Jahjah Samir. 2005. "Are Immigrant Remittance Flows a Source of Capital for
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[5]. Chen, G., Geiger, M., and Mingui Fui,"Manufacturing FDI in Sub-Saharan Africa: Trends, Determinants, and Impact" World Bank Working Paper, June 2015
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Investor's preferences towards Savings & Investment |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Surbhi Dubey || Dr. Sameer Sharma |
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: | 10.9790/5933-0905032225 ![]() |
Abstract: An economic marketplace is the backbone of an economic system. It supports the allotment of share capital crossway in the creative segments of the economy. This allocation of capital supports to retain up strong elements for savings and investment. In the current economic system, there are numerous investment opportunities to choose. Some of these investment avenues offer attractive incomes but with high risks, some suggest lower incomes with very low risks. An investment can be defined as a perfect investment, if it fulfils all the requirements of all investors. Saving is income not spent, or deferred consumption. Methods of saving include keeping money aside in a deposit account, a pension account, an investment fund, or as cash. Saving also involves reducing expenditures, such as recurring costs. Saving generally identifies low-risk conservation of money, as in a deposit account, versus investment, wherein risk is a lot higher; in economics, it refers to any income not used for instantaneous consumption.
[1]. Shukla N (2016) Investors‟ Preference towards Investment Avenues with Special Reference to Salaried Personnel in North Gujarat Region 2: 2395-1052
[2]. Amudhan S, Poornima J, Senthilkumar (2016) A Study on Individual Investors Satisfaction Level of Existing Investment Schemes in Salem Districts. 2: 1239-1245.
[3]. Vaidehi J, Vijayakumar G (2016) A Study on Equity Investment Motives and Styles of Individual Investors. Journal of Exclusive Management Science 5: 1-10.
[4]. Mishra R (2015) Perceptions of Investors towards Mutual Funds: An Analytical Study in Odisha. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication 3: 4889-4892.
[5]. Rastogi S (2015) Differences in Behavioural Biases in Investment Decision Making: Gender and Occupation Perspective. Journal of International Business and Economy 16: 13-35.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Real Estate Financial Risk Prevention A Study Based on the Perspective of Commercial Banks |
Country | : | China |
Authors | : | Xuefeng Zhang |
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: | 10.9790/5933-0905032633 ![]() |
Abstract: Almost more than half of the funds of the real estate industry come from bank loans in China. Once the risk exposure of the real estate industry will seriously affect bank risks, it may even lead to systemic financial risks. Using the data of China, this paper uses a combination of theoretical research and empirical analysis to reveal the relationship between real estate financial risk and real estate credit policy and real estate price fluctuations. The results of the study indicate that there is a negative correlation between the real estate financial risk of commercial banks and the macroeconomic cycle and real estate price index. Moreover, the real estate financial risk is related to the real estate credit policy. In order to effectively prevent real estate financial risks, we should optimize the macro environment of real estate finance development, establish multi-level and diversified real estate financial financing channels, and also strengthen the self-restraint and development of commercial banks to improve their risk resilience.
Keywords: real estate; financial risk; commercial bank; risk prevention
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[6]. Jie Liu & Shao-yu Wang & Dong-mei Li. The Analysis of the Impact of Land-Use Changes on Flood Exposure of Wuhan in Yangtze River Basin, China[J]. Water Resour Manage, 2014(28):2507–2522.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Apex Banking Institution For Rural Development In India |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Ms Ponmani. U || Ms Margeret Blessy. D |
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: | 10.9790/5933-0905033438 ![]() |
Abstract: "Food doesn't grow in a supermarket, Thank a farmer. The discovery of agriculture was the first big step towards a civilized life. Money is not meant to make money. Money is meant to make the earth ready for the new creation." Every single thought is like a seed, it needs to be sprouted with actions. A Dormant seed would never become a giant tree. Agriculture is the most healthful, useful and noblest employment of humankind. The ultimate aim of farming is not the growing of crops, but the cultivation and perfection of human beings. Cultivators are the most valuable citizens. Such valuable person to be well versed in their life time should be indulged in saving and be a brave investor for sustainable growth and development. Finance is the lubricant, which oils the wheels of development. All economies rely upon the intermediary............
Key words: Agriculture, Rural Development, RRB,NABARD
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Abstract: Dividend policy is one of the most significant issues in modern corporate finance. The focus of this report is to study the determinants of dividend payout for listed non-financial firms of DSE (Dhaka Stock Exchange), an emerging market in South Asia. In order to understand the dividend policy of non-financial firms in Bangladesh, this report has examined the influence of liquidity, leverage, profitability, growth, size and historical dividend on the dividend payout ratio of firms. The predictor variables include profitability, size of the firm, liquidity, growth opportunity, leverage, firm's risk and previous year's dividend. This report has explained each determinant supporting the literature review. Then empirical analysis has been conducted including descriptive statistics, pooled OLS regression model, fixed effect and random effect model. In additions, multicollinearity Test, Pearson Correlation Test.........
Keywords: Dhaka Stock Exchange, Dividend Payout Ratio, Fixed Effect Model, Random effect model, Pooled Regression Model, Hausman Test.
[1]. Adu-Boanyah, E., Ayentimi, D. T., &Frank, O. Y. (2013), "Determinants of dividend payout policy of some selected manufacturing firms listed on the Ghana stock exchange", Research Journal of Finance and Accounting, 4(5), 49-61
[2]. Ahmed, H., & Javid, A.Y. (2009),"The determinants of dividend policy in Pakistan", International Research Journal of Finance and Economics, 29, 110-125.
[3]. Alli, K. L., Khan, A. Q., & Ramirez, G. G. (1993), "Determinants of dividend policy: A factorial analysis", The Financial Review, 28(4), 523-47.
[4]. Al-Kuwari, D. (2009), "Determinants of the Dividend Policy in Emerging Stock Exchanges: The Case of GCC Countries", Global Economy & Finance Journal, Vol. 2 No. 2 September 2009, pp. 38-63.
[5]. Al-Kuwari, D., 2007, "Determinants of the Dividend Payout Ratio of Companies Listed on Emerging Stock Exchanges: The Case of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) Countries", PhD thesis, University of Wales-Cardiff, UK.
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Abstract: Fraud is a deliberate deception to secure unfair or unlawful gain, or to deprive a victim of a legal right. There is no doubt that fraud has caused much havoc in business world these days. This study was therefore undertaken to find out the influence of Management Accounting Information on fraud control measures in Niger State with Ecobank Nigeria PLC as the case study. The accounting and audit department staff in the entire branch in Niger State were served with questionnaires. The descriptive survey research was utilized. Data were collected using interview method and structured questionnaire. Two research questions were raised and twonull hypotheses were also formulated and tested at a 0.05 level of significance. The Simple Percentage and Standard Deviation........
Keywords: management, Management Accounting, Management Accounting Information, Fraud, Fraud Control
[1]. Adenji, A.A. (2010), Auditing and Assurance Services, Value Analysis Consult Publications, Lagos.
[2]. Chakrabarty, K.C. (2013), Fraud in the Banking Sector – Causes, Concerns and Cures. Being the Inaugural Address of Deputy Governor of the Reserve Bank of India, During the National Conference on Financial Fraud Organised by Assocham, New Delhi; 26 July. Available at
[3]. Deloitte (2015) Indian Banks Fraud Survey Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu India. Available at
[4]. Ekeigwe, C. (2011), Forensic Accounting, Institute Chartered Accountants Publication, Lagos.
[5]. Ernst &Young, (2010), Proactive Fraud Monitoring for Banks in India (India), Available$file/proactive_fraud......
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Abstract: Successive governments in Nigeria from independence till date have repeatedly made effort at reducing poverty by establishing series of laudable programmes that could bring succour and smiles to the Nigeria poor masses, but never made any headway owing to formulation or implementation problems. The fallout of these programmes has made informal sector to continue to blossom in the economy as a panacea in reducing poverty. This work assessed the impact of informal sector on poverty reduction in Chikun Local Government Area of Kaduna State, Nigeria. Questionnaires were administered to respondents in the study area to obtained primary data. The evidence from this study reveals that informal sector help significantly in poverty reduction through employment generation and improved earnings of the operators. Government must commit herself to develop the informal sector through implementation of sound financing programs, education and employment policies..
Keywords: Informal Sector, Employment Generation, Poverty Reduction
[1]. Selim, R. (2010). Informal Sector In Bangladesh: Implications For Growth And Poverty. The Indian Journal of Labour Economics, Vol. 53, No. 2,
[2]. I.L.O. (1972). Employment, Income and Equality: A Strategy for Increasing Productivity in Kenya. Geneva: International Labour Organization: Geneva.
[3]. Misati, R.N. (2007). The Role Of The Informal Sector In Investment In Sub-Saharan Africa. Kenya Institute for Pulic Policy Research and Analysis (KIPPRA)
[4]. Ajaikaye, D. & Adeyeye, V. (2001), "Concepts, Measurements and Causes of Poverty" CBN Executive Seminar, Ibadan.
[5]. Muktar , M. (2011). Poverty Alleviation as a Machinery for Economic Re Construction in Nigeria
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Abstract: The purpose of this study was to identify and describe how the E-Integrated Marketing Communication Umkm Strategy of Ardhina Batik Medan Motif in the face of revolution 4.0 era. This study used a qualitative approach with descriptive methods. This research informant is the owner of Medan Motif Batik Business which then provides information related to the research. The results of the study conclude that the strategy that can be done by the Batik Motif Medan to deal with the Era of Revolution 4.0 is online advertising, online sales promotion, Digital Public Relations, and Digital Direct Marketing..
Keywords: E-integrated marketing;Ardhina Batik Medan; motif, industrialrevolution 4.0.
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Abstract: The work empirically appraised the Nigerian insurance sector and the performance of Nigerian stock exchange. The inadequacy of capital, inability to mobilize adequate financial resources for trading and investment on the floor of the Nigerian stock exchange, inadequate technical and managerial skill and poor insurance regulatory framework brought confidence crisis and strong apathy to insurance purchase in Nigeria. The specific objectives were to examine the relationship between insurance companies' investments and the all share index of the Nigerian Stock Exchange and to assess the effect of stock/securities prices of insurance companies on market capitalization.........
Keywords: Insurance, Premium, Stock, Market
[1]. Adebisi, W. (2006). Principles and Practice of Insurance: First Edition.Akure, Ondo: Adefemi Publisher.
[2]. Adekunle, A. S. (2009). Principles of Property Insurance. Lagos: Pumark Nigeria Limited.
[3]. Ahmed, K. R. (2012). Enhancing the Value of Insurance in Nigeria through Paradigm Shifts. Journal of Chartered Insurance Institute of Nigeria, 12(3): 16-19.
[4]. Akinbola, O. E. (2010). Ethical Issue: A Problem in Nigeria Insurance Companies, Unpublished MBA Dissertation, School of Management, Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden, pp. 3, 22.
[5]. Akinlo, T. (2013). The Causal Relationship between Insurance and Economic Growth in Nigeria (1986-2010). Australian Journal of Business and Management Research, 2(12): 49-57
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | SHG as an Effective Approach to Women Empowerment |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Subir Kumar Chowdhury |
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: | 10.9790/5933-0905037881 ![]() |
Abstract: All round development of a nation would be possible only when women are considered as equal partners in progress with men, as women are the integral part of every economy. Today women empowerment is one of the most vibrant issues in the sector of social development. Empower of women is the process of upliftment of economic, social and political status of women, traditionally underprivileged in the society. It is the process of guarding women against all form of violence. Microfinance enables the women to save, to improve their confidence, to take decisions, to uplift the status and to improve household security. Rapid progress in SHG formation has been turned into an empowerment movement among women across the country. Formation of women SHG.......
Keywords: Empowerment, Microfinance, SHG, Upliftment, Community
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[5]. Sinha,F.(2006), " Social Rating and Social Performance Reporting in Microfinance: Towards a Common Framework", The SEEP Network..
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Abstract: The welfare of fisherman has become an issue that has not been solved until today. Serangan Island is located in Denpasar, which is located adjacent to several tourisim destination of Sanur and Nusa Dua. The fishermans lived in Serangan Island should have been living prosperously seeing from the convienience in marketing access and the attraction of its natural beauty. Looking at their uncertainity in income, a comprehensive model is needed to improve their welfare as well as to solve poverty problems faced by these fisherman. The purpose of this research.........
Keywords: Culture of Tri Hita Karana, empowerment, entrepreneurial orientation, fisherman institution, fisherman welfare.
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